
Welcome to Ascension Alumni's Blog

Friday, May 11, 2012

100 Years in the Making: Ascension School

The big kickoff is just around the corner! The Centennial planning committee has been busy, very busy.

We have tried hard to stay on task but as we have gone thru the various stages of the planning process, we have been side tracked on many, many occasions - stories of roller skating in the gym, Mission Day, Run-a-Thon, variety shows, sock hops, ‘insert your story here’ and you know how it goes. It is these stories that have really made the centennial events come to life.

We look back upon our years at 601 Van Buren; our teachers, our classmates, our principals, our pastors and we smile. Such great times!

Whether you are an alumnus, a parishioner, or a parent of an alum, we hope to see you the weekend of June 22-24 and throughout the Centennial year.

On Friday, June 24, we will kick off the weekend with the annual golf outing at Big Run Golf Club.  What better way to reconnect with your classmates than hitting the links?  Register soon for the best choice of tee times. 

Saturday morning we’ll stage a 5k run/walk through south Oak Park.  We hope you’re inspired to assemble your classmates and bring some of your stories back to life as you travel through the neighborhood. Even if you aren’t running, join us at the school courtyard early Saturday – we’ll have free milk & long johns.  How many of you remember this First Fridays treat? 

The All-Class Reunion is the main event for alumni, starting with the Centennial Mass and followed immediately by a Chicago-themed buffet dinner in the school.  Walk through the halls with old friends and find out what they have been up to.  Our current student body will have decorated the halls with memorabilia that will bring back memories of your Ascension days.  We’ll have a photographer on hand to capture your class for posterity.

Sunday is one big family party so be sure to bring the kids!  We’ll bless the newly laid memorial bricks at noon; music, games, great food will follow. 

As excited as we are to have you come to reconnect with classmates, family and friends and reminisce, we are equally excited for you to see what Ascension is today: a strong, vibrant school, still passionate about community as has always been the Ascension way.

See you in June!